WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Monday, December 18, 2006



Hey are the cartoonists of the world getting morbid or what? Just wondering.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Note to Former President Bill Clinton or Whomever It Concerns or Is Interested.

Yes I can refuse to talk to anyone I so please.

Reasons being!

  1. I am old_as in senior citizen (Older than quite a few of you world leaders)
  2. I can claim senility or insanity(Thanks to a certain McGinnis!).
  3. I try not to be part of the problem but part of the solution.
  4. It is a point of kindness for me to keep my big mouth shut right now because the words that would come out of it is not fit for human consumption.

No I do not hate you. I just am puzzled. It has been said you are an intelligent man. Well did you ever think to ask why you have been allowed to do some of the things you think you have got away with? (i.e think American Indians. Ask them why they let you get away with what you did. Better yet if you want a straight answer, ask G_D!)

Reasons why I like you.

1. Well you make me look good! Think about it.

2. Without people like you people like me would not be needed.

3. I used to feel bad because I am not smart. Least ways not as smart as you. You gave me a reason to feel good about not being smart.

4. Because of you, I learned to like myself. (I am not perfect, not smart, and I do not do things to purposely hurt people just because I can. This has nothing to do with any greatness on my part. It is just the way I was made by the author of the Bible & creator of the Universe, your sponsor and mine-G-d.

By the way, I heard you are supposed to read the Bible, not just carry it around. Do you think there is any truth to that? The beginning is a good place to start.)

What do I intend to do? Wish you well. Hope the best for you.

You see being the dummy, savage that I am I actually believe that the best way to get even is to:

1. Live life well.

2. Be kind to your enemies.

3. Pray for your enemies welfare and happiness. (Have you ever noticed happy people keep from causing major problems, running around hurting other people, etc.?

4. Do your best to be an asset. (I fall down here frequently. Be patient, please, G-d is not through with me!)

Stay tuned. More to come.


What is this? Technorati.com? How did I find out about it. Stay tuned.

Technorati Profile

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Help! Help! Please Save the Internet

Whether you know it or not the internet is in great danger.

There are businessmen and politicians across the globe that are trying to take over the internet. They want to decide what we, the public, can do with it, what we can see on the internet etc.

There should be some limitations yeah. Such as against violent and threatening content , content that solicits youth, false advertising or scam operations. But they, businessmen and politicians should not allow us to see only that which is in their best interest.

This website will keep you posted on how to save it and join with other people across the globe to protect the internet.

Stay tuned to this blog to find out how to help!

Please do help! This is developing into a dangerous situation with world-wide implications!

Friday, December 08, 2006

Free Search Engine Submission Form

Hey you want to submit your site to a search engine?

Then go to http://webspeak.bravehost.com. Look in the Freebie Section and you will find the search engine submission form. There is also some suggestions on other ways to get your site on search engines.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

AND COFFEE TOO: End of Week Wrap up TownHall.Com; ROTC, Book "Unprotected" author and more

This is another great site! I am going to have to quit posting so many of the great sites I find. They are really growing.AND COFFEE TOO: End of Week Wrap up TownHall.Com; ROTC, Book "Unprotected" author and more!

By the way visit my other site Webpeeper on mail2web. There is a new media file by Jokachild. It is an mp3 file. the name is #1 Fan by JokaChild. There is more music by JokaChild on this site Webpeeper. It is listed as Irene. His music is really great. He says he is underground but I think it is time for him to come out of that hole and become famous. His music really pleases me.

Let me know what you think of his music in this posting please. A comment here would be appreciated or you can put one in the webpeeper site.

It is up to you.

Look forward to hearing from you!http://mediablog.mail2web.com/shood/blog/

This is the address of where you will find JokaChild's new song. I really enjoyed it. Look in the media portion

The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump (WikiDumper.org)

The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump (WikiDumper.org) This is a hilarious and entertaining site! A really must see!

It is also very informative. Ah, that there were more sites like this one!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another Blog

I have another blog with Blogger. It is called Peace Inc. Just click on View my complete profile and it will take you to a place where my blogs are listed. You will find them at the bottom.

Great Blogs I Ran Into

Here is a great blog I ran into: The Concept of Irony. This is a very enjoyable reading.

Stop by and read it sometime and come back here. Please leave a comment on what you think of this blog.

Here is another great blog:http://aurorastudios.blogspot.com/.
There are some really pretty pictures here.

By the way, you can almost learn a foreign language just by visiting blogs.
So many of them are in another language besides English or whatever your native language is.

Hey how about posting a comment here about this blog.

Here is another great blog for you basketball fans:http://aceslakersblog.blogspot.com/. It is really well done. Let me know what you think of this site.

How to Cheat at School.

How to Cheat at School

This is really misleading. You may cheat but life will catch up with you.

Go to work with out know what you should have learned in school can hurt you in the long run.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A New Animation

Hey everybody, here are new pictures for you.

Hope you enjoy them! Let me know what you think!

Let me know if you would like me to email you the list for the animations that appear on this blog.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Christmas Wish

I am going to publish a Christmas wish soon.

It will be in the form of a treasure map for the world.

Stay tuned to see what that is like!

You will be able to contribute to it too.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another Animation! Help! Help!

I just love this waving daisy animation. You have my permission to download and save it to your computer and use it however you like. Just give me credit.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Gif Animations for Free

From time to time there will be free animations here. They will be gifs. Later I will try to put up applets.

Here is an example of one of the animations that I did just for fun.


Well right now WebByte is trying to help someone make a website.

Teaching by the internet is not the easiest thing to do.

This is the site we are working on:http://vidcon.bravehost.com

Post a comment and let me know what you think of the site so far.

It comes with a personal blog.

Making Improvements

I want to start a treasure map for the world. It should include only positive thoughts for the world.

Perhaps there are some people that would like to participate?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Well Just Moving Along

Not much going on now.

I love this blog provider.

I am not sure if I can put up music. It would be worth a try.

Got caught on one of the busiest highways in USA. My car broke down because the transmission is no longer working.

I believe that I will treasure map for a new car.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Just an experiment

This is an animation that I made and I just want to see if it works here.
Hey that is great it really works. You can copy it if you want to or save it.

Please do not link to this site though because it will use up the gigabytes.

Let me know if you like this animation. I am thinking of teaching free classes on the web in this.

On the Blogger.............

Hey check out the popular blogs on www.blogger.com

Look at this one especially:http://develintel.blogspot.com/. I found this to be particularly enjoyable. Why? Because inside of the WebByte is a desire to be smarter, smarter than the average bear.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

In the beginning........

In the beginning WebByte created this blog.

This blog is for the sole purpose of informing and entertaining. Oh well, just for the heck of it.

Other site designed by this blogger are:


We are going to take a byte out of the web and have some fun doing it.

Blog Archive