WebByte Introduction

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Sunday, November 26, 2006

AND COFFEE TOO: End of Week Wrap up TownHall.Com; ROTC, Book "Unprotected" author and more

This is another great site! I am going to have to quit posting so many of the great sites I find. They are really growing.AND COFFEE TOO: End of Week Wrap up TownHall.Com; ROTC, Book "Unprotected" author and more!

By the way visit my other site Webpeeper on mail2web. There is a new media file by Jokachild. It is an mp3 file. the name is #1 Fan by JokaChild. There is more music by JokaChild on this site Webpeeper. It is listed as Irene. His music is really great. He says he is underground but I think it is time for him to come out of that hole and become famous. His music really pleases me.

Let me know what you think of his music in this posting please. A comment here would be appreciated or you can put one in the webpeeper site.

It is up to you.

Look forward to hearing from you!http://mediablog.mail2web.com/shood/blog/

This is the address of where you will find JokaChild's new song. I really enjoyed it. Look in the media portion

The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump (WikiDumper.org)

The Wikipedia Knowledge Dump (WikiDumper.org) This is a hilarious and entertaining site! A really must see!

It is also very informative. Ah, that there were more sites like this one!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another Blog

I have another blog with Blogger. It is called Peace Inc. Just click on View my complete profile and it will take you to a place where my blogs are listed. You will find them at the bottom.

Great Blogs I Ran Into

Here is a great blog I ran into: The Concept of Irony. This is a very enjoyable reading.

Stop by and read it sometime and come back here. Please leave a comment on what you think of this blog.

Here is another great blog:http://aurorastudios.blogspot.com/.
There are some really pretty pictures here.

By the way, you can almost learn a foreign language just by visiting blogs.
So many of them are in another language besides English or whatever your native language is.

Hey how about posting a comment here about this blog.

Here is another great blog for you basketball fans:http://aceslakersblog.blogspot.com/. It is really well done. Let me know what you think of this site.

How to Cheat at School.

How to Cheat at School

This is really misleading. You may cheat but life will catch up with you.

Go to work with out know what you should have learned in school can hurt you in the long run.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A New Animation

Hey everybody, here are new pictures for you.

Hope you enjoy them! Let me know what you think!

Let me know if you would like me to email you the list for the animations that appear on this blog.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Christmas Wish

I am going to publish a Christmas wish soon.

It will be in the form of a treasure map for the world.

Stay tuned to see what that is like!

You will be able to contribute to it too.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Another Animation! Help! Help!

I just love this waving daisy animation. You have my permission to download and save it to your computer and use it however you like. Just give me credit.