WebByte Introduction

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Monday, December 29, 2008

RE: Happy New Years and All of That!

Well just wishing everyone out in cyberland a Happy New Year!

I am interested in getting some prophecies from people. What do people think is in store for 2009. I really hope it is better than 2008. Do you believe that gasoline prices in the USA will go up or down? Will peace come or will there be a WWIII? What is going to happen on the world economic scene. What are going to be the new inventions? Fads? What is the future of world leaders, religions, the people etc.?

Friday, December 05, 2008

RE: A Byte in Blogger, A Bit Overwhelmed

Blogger developed a lot of new gadgets. Take a look at what has been added to this blog.  It is really awesome what blogger does.

Hey tell me what you all think about the jigsaw puzzles I have been adding to this site. I can add more you know.

Feeling blue about how the world situation is developing? Feeling helpless? Feeling like you would like to do something about it but do not know what? Well guess what you can. You can treasure map. Read on for more information.

I have added a new blog on blogger. It is called World Future Treasure Map.                   (http://worldfuturetreasuremap.blogspot.com/). Drop by and tell me what you think. You can add to it to. Let's treasure map for a better future. Keep it all in positive statements though. In addition, this must be stuff that brings or will bring only positive results. Nothing to hurt anyone. Understand? Graphics are acceptable.  If you cannot submit graphics but want them added then email me at shood at yahoo.com. No spam please or I will report you to Yahoo for harassment and have you permanently blocked. Otherwise all are welcome. Just remember keep it clean, positive and uplifting. Personal goals are acceptable. 

Hey just remember everything begins in thought. Thought is energy. Energy has a lot of power. Thought is the origin of all inventions and events.

So think about the positive things you want to happen in the world and go to the World Future Treasure Map. 

Add your comment and I will integrate it into the treasure  map. What do you have to lose?

Are you wondering about what I mean when I say treasure map? I am not thinking about something that pirates wrote or made but it is a method of achieving goals. Here are some links that will help you better understand what I am talking about:

Is about business mainly but also applies to daily life.
This is from an individual point of view.

This is not exactly a treasure map thing here but it does show you how to word what you write:

This particular link shows one type of treasure mapping for the future. It is at the bottom of the page where you will find the examples of bullentin board treasure maps.

Oh this is really KooL! A scientist has use treasure mapping. By all means go here! Evidently he is quite successful.

Hey a fellow Googler here! How about that?

While researching possible links to help you I found this. This might make a good project for the future. Start making your list of positive things about your community and I will start up a blog where you can tell all the positive things about your community.

Oh by the way before I forget. A very Merry Christmas to everyone whether you're Christian or not. Oh by the way, it is just like the illustration says below:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

RE: Google Ads

Please Click on Google Ads on the site. It will help support the site and we will be able to upload some films. Maybe.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

RE: Unbelievable! Read This

Hello world! Well nobody is really going to believe this. The world's economy is going into a tailspin. Many of the executives of the top companies are having problems understanding the situations determining the economy. So their actions prove. Read further to find out what this is about. There are also reports that the economy may not improve right away. Many world leaders actions indicate that they may not understand or fully comprehend what is going down. The news is b-a-a-ad, real bad.

This appeared as of November 20, 2008, in Yahoo News on the Internet. It demonstrates what the auto industry is in right now:
Plunging Shares GM's German-traded
shares fell 7.9 percent to the equivalent of $2.57 as of 11:09 a.m.
in Frankfurt. GM has plunged 89 percent this year in New York
trading. Ford shares rose 3.2 percent in Germany. The stock has declined 81 percent this year in the U.S.

Now some of the top CEO's of the USA auto industry went to congress for a talk this week. According to Yahoo News they took private jets. As a matter of fact these auto companies own a fleet of jets.Hmmmm? Knowledge of this situation seems to present a problem to at least one congressman. To quote Yahoo News:

Democrats Gary Ackerman of New York and Bradley Sherman
of California criticized the auto chiefs for taking private jets to Washington to plead their case.

In addition, it is also suggested by some congressmen that maybe the auto executives need to take a deduction in salary or defer their salaries for a year. Yes, dear readers do keep in mind that these executives are making millions of dollars while their employees, at least some, are wondering if they have the prospects of having a job tomorrow.

To the executives at Ford, GM etc., good thinking guys taking private jets to congress. Why couldn't you go first class? Just how much do you care about your employees and your companies. Do you care enough to tighten your own belts a bit. Would you be willing to forfeit some of your salary to help the USA's economy and the world's thereby helping yourselves? I bet if one of your employees had this poor of reasoning they would get fired or at least a warning. What do you think Mr. Executive?

This information is all over the news. Really makes these executives look good. Wonder if the stockholders in these companies have enough sense to call an emergency meeting and do a little house cleaning. Most of the information in this blog is from Yahoo News. Read this for more information:

So to close this facetiously, the world's economy is in good hands with executives like those in the banking and auto industry. Have no fear Mr. and Ms. World Citizen, your future is in good hands of caring leaders who have your best interest at heart!

I just wonder how many of these executives have really started from the ground up in a company. Did they all just step out of college into high paying jobs without the practical experience of building from the ground up or what. Remember the guy who saved the Chrysler company not too long ago? I believe he started as a salesmen. Yup just a lowly salesman. Makes one wonder, doesn't it? As for the author of this blog, well I probably would have as poor a performance record as these executives that may have contributed to this international economic debacle. I think there is a lot to say for starting at the bottom and working one's way up the ladder. How can they possibly know what it is to be one of the little people? How could they possibly know how to balance a budget and plan for bad times if they have never had to do so. Yes, it is obvious what makes this mess the world is in now. Ignorance is the main contributor.

Yet, I would really like to hear the explanations of these executives' actions from themselves. They probably think they owe no explanations. Well now, yes, they do. Take government funds be prepared to answer to the taxpayer. Guess what there are millions of us, just average citizens, who are taxpayers. Plus, if it is a publicly owned company, with stock holders, the stock holders can call an emergency meeting. They can see what can be done about getting rid of inefficient CEO's or CEO's. The one's who think it is necessary to make millions more at the expense of government and stockholders when the company is in trouble. The one's who take the millions even though they already have millions when their companies are in trouble.

Now some executives caught in this bind may say,"We did not see this coming! We had no idea! We have no control over the economy!" Well guys that is understandable. However, does it make sense to continue to live the high life when people and companies you are responsible for are hurting. If things are as dire as you say, then why not tighten your own belt a cinch or two. You could not possibly feel the pain as much as Joe Average Citizen who makes a miserly salary in comparison to yours.

Monday, November 17, 2008

RE: A puzzle

Here's a puzzle for you all let's see how it works! Just click on the puzzle and it will take you to where you can solve it. Have fun and let me know if you would like to have more of the same.
Click to Mix and Solve

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Something New In Google

Hey there is something new in Google.
Go to this site and read about it.Given Two Separate Email Addresses from Digital Inspiration. I did not know you could do all of this. Again that address is:http://www.labnol.org/internet/email/gmail-email-alias-two-separate-gmail-address/2388/

Friday, November 14, 2008

RE: Great Site! A Must Read!

I have run into the neatest site. It is by this psychiatrist who has some form of dementia. He started writing it as therapy for himself. This is its address: http://knittingdoc.wordpress.com/about-dr-thomas/. Yes, I know the knittingdoc.wordpress.com seems strange for the beginning of this address but trust me this is a must read. Plus he has some links to sites that re-train your brain. I do not know if these exercises make a person smarter but it is worth a try.

God bless this man for being brave enough to write about his experiences. He has something like Lewy Body Dementia or Lewy Body Disease.

It makes me feel ashame of myself. Here I am feeling sorry for myself and I do not have to go through anything like this. It is my good fortune to not be in this position yet.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

RE: Aftermath of The USA 2008 Presidential Election

Well the USA Presidential Election is over. Obama is president. Everyone and their uncle seems to think he will make a great president. Time will tell.

They got annoying to some people with this campaign. Phones rang sometimes every fifteen minutes. That could turn a voter off from a candidate.

Soon some puzzles, that is jigsaw puzzles are going to be added here. See if you can work them when they show up.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

RE: The Elections in The USA

Well there is a lot of talk about elections in the United States of America. This is a particularly messy election time. A lot of mud slinging has gone on.

People also do not realize that there are other political parties. The scary part is they do not get much publicity. In addition, most people believe that there are only two parties in the USA because they get most of the publicity. There are however others. Some seem like they might be pretty good if given a chance. Others seem very scary.

At least to me they are scary. Here's a list of sites that you can explore for yourself. They include a description of the parties and what they stand for:

This is a pretty complete list that includes parties that no longer in existence. There are links for further investigation and exploration. 

This is one party I never heard of, the Centralist Party:http://www.uscentrist.org/
They have a good point. The USA is apparently controlled by the few rather than majority vote. Case in point, the bailout of the mortgage companies is a very good example. In any case, this website is well planned out. But please, do not think this comment is an endorsement of this party.

Every voter and individual should make their own decisions about which candidate and which part to support.

However, I would feel more confortable if there were more parties of national strength and capability to get a president and congressmen elected in the USA. Two promenant parties only with this capacity is quite uncomfortable for me. It sounds too much like a dictatorship.

Hey I will voluteer my services to prepare icons for the parties that do not have one. That is the parties that are pretty much none violent.

This website gives several good reasons and examples of why it is important to have more than one party:http://www.america.gov/st/elections08-english/2008/June/20080627124605abretnuh0.1878321.html

Personally, I think it would be a good idea to have more than just two real strong parties in the USA. Let's give some one else a turn besides the Democrats and the Republicans.

By the way, why don't we have a contest for emblems for the other parties if they do not already have emlbems.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

RE: October 11, 2008

This year is almost over. It is a financial disaster for many people all over the world. Christians, Jews, Moslems and other suffer persecution. Life is going on as normal. Disaster reins and people suffer.

This is not a cure all but WebByte has put up a blog treasure map. There is more about that later. Stay tuned!