People also do not realize that there are other political parties. The scary part is they do not get much publicity. In addition, most people believe that there are only two parties in the USA because they get most of the publicity. There are however others. Some seem like they might be pretty good if given a chance. Others seem very scary.
At least to me they are scary. Here's a list of sites that you can explore for yourself. They include a description of the parties and what they stand for:
This is a pretty complete list that includes parties that no longer in existence. There are links for further investigation and exploration.
This is one party I never heard of, the Centralist Party:
They have a good point. The USA is apparently controlled by the few rather than majority vote. Case in point, the bailout of the mortgage companies is a very good example. In any case, this website is well planned out. But please, do not think this comment is an endorsement of this party.
Every voter and individual should make their own decisions about which candidate and which part to support.
However, I would feel more confortable if there were more parties of national strength and capability to get a president and congressmen elected in the USA. Two promenant parties only with this capacity is quite uncomfortable for me. It sounds too much like a dictatorship.
Hey I will voluteer my services to prepare icons for the parties that do not have one. That is the parties that are pretty much none violent.
This website gives several good reasons and examples of why it is important to have more than one party:
Personally, I think it would be a good idea to have more than just two real strong parties in the USA. Let's give some one else a turn besides the Democrats and the Republicans.
By the way, why don't we have a contest for emblems for the other parties if they do not already have emlbems.