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Monday, September 20, 2010

RE: Critique of Cherokee Origins

Cherokee Origins by Robert Vann is a site that this writer enjoyed very much. This is a great site for numerous reasons. All links work except there seems to be a problem with the RSS comments link on the right hand side. (Maybe I just operated it wrong.) It has some great stories that are of Cherokee origin. Maybe they are Eastern Cherokee?
This site downloads fast with Road Runner. Some of the tests indicates that it downloads fast with other ISP's too. That sort of puzzles me because there is a large portrait jpg (type of graphic for web pages, etc.) of himself on the front page of the site. (I assume it is the author.) Usually large jpgs are very slow in downloading to a site. That is not the case here.

Cherokee Origins also lists Mr. Vann's books in the menu . They might be interesting to look into. This is a great idea for a site to advertise what the owner wants to sell. Many sites do this. Mr. Vann's site does it very well. 

There is just one problem WebByte has with this Cherokee Origins. As far as can be seen, it is necessary to have a WordPress Account. Even then it is difficult for this blogger to see how to leave a comment. That seems to be the only problem for the viewer. So in spite of not being able leave any comments at the present, the site is well worth the visit. This is especially true for fans of American history, American Indians, the Wild West or just someone out for a good time and a quick read.

This site is a clever piece of advertisement mixed with entertainment and information. 

Here's a thought, maybe the author will let teachers use this site to teach reading, local color in literature, culture of one American Indian Nation. Mr. Vann, the author of this site, has a contact page where permission may be asked. A link to the contact page is included in the menu at the top of the page.

This site is a very clever advertisement vehicle. 

So-o-o, dear reader, what do you think? Are you going to visit?  When you do visit please put in the comment section here what you think of the site, how you enjoyed the programs.

Oh as a last word, Cherokee Origins has a link to Mr. Vann's speaking and entertainment engagements. Just click on the Events link for this information. Remember there is a Contact section if more information is desired or maybe someone would like to enquire about obtaining Mr. Vann's services.

PS. Uh Oh! Just noticed that the link to We Cherokees does not work. It goes to a page called Dawn's Web Designs. Still is a site worth visiting though.

WebByte can do critiques of any web site. Just put in a request in the comment section. Be sure and include URL, please and your email address. Your email address will not be published.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

RE: An Inconvenient Truth

Why Innocent People Confess to Crimes is a site I just found. It is about innocent people confessing to crimes they did not commit. This is a growing phenomena. There are all kind of reasons for people confessing crimes. It is a developing problem.

http://sharerp.com/21 This URL takes the surfer to a site that tells a woeful story. Here's a man serving a life sentence for a crime he did not commit because the law will not permit a lawyer to tell what he knows. It has to do with client priviledge. Well I wonder if someone forgot the spirit of the law? Is law to persecuit the innocent in favor of client priviledge? Yes client priviledge is important.

I wonder if Muslim nations have considered this. People will confess to crimes they did not commit. How does Sharia fit into this? What happens when the hand or both are removed from an innocent man? What happens if an innocent is stoned to death for adultery? How often does this happen? Remember this is a discussion of Muslim nations only in this section. Not others. If the readers would like to discuss others then they can mention that they would like it discussed in another section.

If you know of an innocent person who confessed to a crime that was later cleared please mention it below.

I am still willing do critiques of web sites. Just put in a request through the comment section. Would appreciate a variety. I am able to do over any subject or any type.


 Man wrongfully convicted dies at age 55 Family loses Donald Marshall again.(footprints): An article from: Windspeaker


Thursday, September 09, 2010

An Interesting Blog or Two or More!

Just found this blog:http://kinesisproject.blogspot.com/. If you try to find it under its title A Choreographer's Blog it might be challenging. Let's see if I can do it. Well I entered it by title and found it. However you can just click on the links in this entry and get there.

This blog entry is about "confabulation." In other words fabricating stories and accepting them as reality.

The following are some links I found. The particular entry I am looking at is: Confabulation - Brain Dances. This is about the word  "confabulation" and what it means. Personally I think we are all a little guilty of "confabulation"  Some confabulation can be healthy, I guess. I also believe that confabulation can be very harmful. Why not read the article and tell me what you think? 

Hey for those of you keeping up on Koran burning here's an interesting site. I do not guarantee the truth or accuracy of these stories on this site. Any moslem or not is free to comment. However keep it kind, to the point, without anger, clean, no name calling, etc. You will not be posted if you cannot practice good manners. In addition this site will report you to the providers.

Following the Koran Burning story on the News? Well here is something that I ran into On this blog. The USA army burned some Bibles. How about that? Oh well. Now why is that?

The thing I do not understand is why anyone thinks that God, Allah or whatever you choose to name the Creator needs defense. Indeed I wonder if the Creator really appreciates all this rioting, bru ha ha, book burning, violence, etc. in his name.

And don't you just love it when someone says, "well so and so did it." Right that makes it all right to repeat the wrong that someone else does. In addition, point a finger at someone else really detracts from one's own faults doesn't it?

I find it a shame dear reader that not everyone can be as perfect as me and thee. Of thee, I am not too sure. You do get my point, right??????lol, lol , lol,

Somehow I wonder if maybe the Lord Above in the end will say to all of humanity, "Sorry kiddoes! You all got it wrong. You twisted my word to suit your own taste. You hurt your neighbor, that I created, because they did not believe as you did. It would be better if you had set an example as to how to live rather than try to coerce your neighbor into how they should live. By the way, just so you know, you all are wrong. You made your religion your god and forgot ME! You say I am merciful in your different religions but you use Me as an excuse to harm innocent people. You say, read in the scriptures, and head me say, " Vengeance is mine! Then you propose to play chief executioner and judge of your fellow man! That is what made the messes from the beginning of time. You thought you could do a better job than Me!"

I found the books below. They give more information on confabulation.


                                          An Interesting Blog

                                          Just found this blog:http://kinesisproject.blogspot.com/. If you try to find it under its title A Choreographer's Blog it might be challenging. Let's see if I can do it. Well I entered it by title and found it. However you can just click on the links in this entry and get there.

                                          The particular entry I am looking at is: Confabulation - Brain Dances. This is about the word  "confabulation" and what it means. Personally I think we are all a little guilty of "confabulation"  Some confabulation can be healthy, I guess. I also believe that confabulation can be very harmful. Why not read the article and tell me what you think? 

                                          Just for the fun of it I looked up confabulation on Amazon. This is what I found.

                                          Sunday, September 05, 2010

                                          What A Waste

                                          The following video is about an American heiress who is now 104 years old. She is out of contact with her whole family. Her name is Huguette Clarke. This unfortunate woman is at the mercy of her lawyer and accountant who for some reason have isolated her from family and from the rest of the world. Ms. Clarke is now a recluse living in a hospital.

                                          Some of her stuff, paintings a violin, etc. have been sold. But has it been with her approval? This matter is now being looked into upon the urging of some distant relatives who tried to see her.

                                          The sad part of the whole story is that this heiress's money is wasted. This is money that could help a lot of people. It could even in a modest way help the economy. Yet here it sets. Well not entirely, the word is that her lawyer and her accountant are helping themselves to some of it. On second thought, that is a waste.

                                          This story proves that Bill Gates is right. Do good with your money now. Children should not inherit vast amounts of wealth. It can attract trouble and in the end does little good for few people.

                                          The following video gives all the information available now. It is from: msnbc.com

                                          The following are some books and literature. They are on how to become a millionaire. Just thought they were interesting. 

                                          I think the one on How to Become A Millionaire in 365 Days by Jansen absolutely hilarious. Yeah right. I have not read this one either. I might though just to see what it says. That ought to be a best seller. Then there is How to Become A Millionaire by Mark Lee Alch. Well at least it is only fifty-seven cents. 

                                          Then there is a CD: Sprudio Subliminal Cd Success & Prosperity - Financial Abundance - Millionaire Mind Program Become Rich with the Power of Your Mind. That ought to work. Don't you think. With all of these great things out there to help one become a prosperous kind of makes one wonder why there are more millionaires. 

                                          A comment from anyone using successfully these following materials is appreciated. Anyone who tries the suggestions in these materials out and they do not work, hey comment. Okay?


                                          Thursday, September 02, 2010

                                          RE: Intelligence? Brains? A Discussion

                                          What is intelligence? How is it measured? Is it increaseable? These are questions that preoccupy me. tht is besides the unimportant questions like where the next meal, will I continue to have a roof over my head etc. (lol, lol, lol, so forth.)

                                          Below is a video by Dr. Gardener. It is on bigthink.com The Harvard professor explains what his idea of intelligence is.

                                          Mensa is an organization for the top ten percent of the human race. You have to pass an IQ test. I forget as to whether the individual must rate at a score of 135 or 140 percentile.

                                          Below are some resources on how to increase your intelligence. I have no idea how successful or useful these resources are. However this blog is open to comments from the public. In addition, feel free to comment about any additional methods to raise IQ in the different areas of intelligence.

                                          How to Increase Your Intelligence