WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Xtranormal An experiment

Hey this is worth at least five woofs and maybe more from WebByte.

WebByte just got through visiting Xtranormal.com. This is a website that makes it possible for even the dullest wanta be animator capable of making animated.

Movies can be made on Xtranormal for free. However there is a limit as to how much time allowed. Everything is done on line. No need to draw or what ever. In addition, voices can be recorded too instead of using the canned voices and sounds. There are however canned* sounds and voices. There is even online storage for the videos made. A simple click reveals links and code to embed the video into a blog like this or a web site. Pay or free movies are easily made with Xtranormal.

For more time, paid version are available.

All in all, this is a most enjoyable experience for WebByte. Animation with this online application is fun!

Below is an example of one movie that WebByte made. Just click on the arrow to start like you do with any video.  Let me know what you think. It is made with all the available canned stuff included with the online software.

Sun Spots Colorz Movie
by: shood

PS. WebByte is thinking of adding barks to denote approval rating of what is found on the web. Five barks is the highest approval.
*canned prerecorded all ready to use.
For still shots take a look at the cameras below

Monday, June 11, 2012

RE: Something New Added to Entertainment Section

A new movie has been added to the Entertainment section of WebByte. Just click on the Entertainment button above or the link here to go to the movie. Be forewarned that it opens with a commercial.

This particular movie is about cloning. It is called The 6th Day. This is from Crackle.  Is this about the future of the Human Race? Feel free to discuss below in the comment section or in the comment section of Entertainment page.

Hope you enjoy the movie.

By the way, do you have your own animation or movie that you would have like to have posted here? Be sure and submit it to this site for publication here. Just make a request to the comment page for publication or to the comment section below on this page.

Link to find me on Google DoubleClick Ad PlannerNote people who what to advertise on this site. Just use the following link  To the right to find me. 

Monday, May 28, 2012

RE: Something New

There is always something new on the web. There are interesting ways to make money too.

Right now I am looking into web stores. A drop box web store is a nice idea. That way there is no worries about how to store merchandise etc.

Another way to make money is with Google AdSense. I already made some pocket change that way.

Here are some sample ads that come with Google AdSense:

Kindle Fire B0061VVO5S This is a simple link ad to Kindle Fire B006vv005S. This is not my preference because there is no information here.

Below are two examples of ads from AdSense that show a picture of the product. There first one is simply an image that is a link to the product.  The second one is a full ad. The full ad is my preference. As you will see there is more information including to which link on the web  the reader will be directed. Pretty cool, huh?

Another way to possibly make money off the web is to self publish books, music, art etc on the web. Come back to see examples of that.