WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Something New

I have been working on one of my own websites: http://webspeakezine.com. Drop by and tell me what you think. Check the "Articles" section. There is a section about cats: http://webspeakezine.com/cats-meow.html and one about dogs: http://webspeakezine.com/woof-about-us-dogs.html that come under the http://webspeakezine.com/critter-chatter.html heading under Articles.

People can also advertise on this site for a nominal fee. For more information please contact me at: http://webspeakezine.com/contact-page.html.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

EEk! Danger! Danger! Must Read! Everyone Read This.

Ran into this by accident. This is a must read. Please copy this address and pass it arounThd or email the address for this blog to all of your friends. This is about a twenty-five year depression.


This article comes from a Money Press exclusive.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Brave Chihuahua protects Kittens!

Would the majority of humanity be this brave? Is a dog more caring than human beings? Think about it!

RE: Blog Critique

WebByte is back to critique some blogs and web sites etc. If you want yours critiqued let us know. We will also open up the critique to the general public so that they can participate.

To the general public, nothing nasty please be polite but honest

Here's an example of a critique. The blog is from Blogger.co m.
The URL is http://girlg33k.blogspot.com/

Critique of http://girlg33k.blogspot.com/

The blog uploads quickly. The illustration on the front page is a beautiful picture against a black background. The writer is to the point and waste no words on unnecessary communication. Would it be a nice addition to put in some information about what Manga is for us that are ignorant of this art form whatever? This could be accomplished by adding a page with explanation of Manga.  Plus there are a lot of comments that seem to be ads in and of themselves rather than constructive comments. Should these comments be edited are do they actually add something? For the most part, this is a beautiful blog that is quick and to the point.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Ah The Pain of It All.

People are copying WebByte. If they are of good reputation there is no problem. However if not that can be a problem!

(To be continued)

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Trying Something New

I am trying a new glitter online application or program to put glitter on a picture. Let's see if it works. Opps guess it didn't.
Well here is a new glitter image from http://www.online-image-editor.com/. Let's see how it works. Whoopi! It works! See?

Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Material Coming Up!

There are plans to add new material to this site. Stay tuned. If you, the public  have any suggestions please feel free to put your suggestions in the comment section. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I am back! Have lots to tell. For one thing, the editor of this blog is recovering from cancer. Whoopi! More about that later!

Meanwhile, our sister site would like some developers, writers, graphic artist, etc. to volunteer to work on this web magazine (e zine): Webspeak Ezine: Http://webspeakezine.com. Webspeak Ezine also has a free want ad section. All material submitted, including ads, must be GP material please!