WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

New Material Coming Up!

There are plans to add new material to this site. Stay tuned. If you, the public  have any suggestions please feel free to put your suggestions in the comment section. Thank you.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

I am back! Have lots to tell. For one thing, the editor of this blog is recovering from cancer. Whoopi! More about that later!

Meanwhile, our sister site would like some developers, writers, graphic artist, etc. to volunteer to work on this web magazine (e zine): Webspeak Ezine: Http://webspeakezine.com. Webspeak Ezine also has a free want ad section. All material submitted, including ads, must be GP material please!