WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Something New

I have been working on one of my own websites: http://webspeakezine.com. Drop by and tell me what you think. Check the "Articles" section. There is a section about cats: http://webspeakezine.com/cats-meow.html and one about dogs: http://webspeakezine.com/woof-about-us-dogs.html that come under the http://webspeakezine.com/critter-chatter.html heading under Articles.

People can also advertise on this site for a nominal fee. For more information please contact me at: http://webspeakezine.com/contact-page.html.

Thursday, September 04, 2014

EEk! Danger! Danger! Must Read! Everyone Read This.

Ran into this by accident. This is a must read. Please copy this address and pass it arounThd or email the address for this blog to all of your friends. This is about a twenty-five year depression.


This article comes from a Money Press exclusive.