WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

10 SKILLS That Are HARD to Learn, BUT Will Pay Off FOREVER!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

New Mascot for WebByte

 WebByte has a new mascot. Formerly WebByte's mascot gif was stored on photobucket.com. It is no longer on that site. So a new mascot was necessary.

This is our new design. Tell us what you think. Do you like it or not? Let us know in the comment section.

Before the there was no glitter because glitter gifs would not up load. Now glitter gifs upload. What do you think of the glitter lettering? Let us know in comment sections.

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Facelift and Facial Toning : Anti Aging & Wrinkle Remover Frequency - Sl...

Just thought I would publish this for the fun of it. Tell me what you think of this and if you have tried it out. How did it work for you?