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Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Articles

Our sibling website, http://webspeakezine.com, has some new articles posted. Be sure and visit.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Brevity on November 8, 2017

Brevity on November 8, 2017: Brevity is amusingly idiosyncratic and often uproariously funny. The single-panel comic takes bizarre and unexpected detours through pop culture and modern society, delighting in witty wordplay and situations so absurd you have to laugh.

Brevity on November 8, 2017

Brevity on November 8, 2017: Brevity is amusingly idiosyncratic and often uproariously funny. The single-panel comic takes bizarre and unexpected detours through pop culture and modern society, delighting in witty wordplay and situations so absurd you have to laugh.

Friday, November 03, 2017

Wizard of Id on November 3, 2017

Wizard of Id on November 3, 2017: The Wizard of Id has been enchanting audiences since 1964, but the real wizards behind this comic classic were artist Brant Parker and writer Johnny Hart.
The pair began paving the path to the Kingdom of Id in 1950, when Parker, a staff artist for the Binghamton Press in upstate New York, was asked to judge a high school art contest. Among the entrants was a teenager by the name of Johnny Hart, whose work so impressed Parker that he arranged a meeting.

When Muslim Cousins Marry Each Other and Produce Inbreds - very sad (Par...

This may be a serious problem for the future of the world.