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Sunday, July 18, 2010

RE: Early TV in The USA

Here is an example of an early TV show in the USA. It is a classic. This particular show comes from the Sit Com: The Goldbergs.

I am familiar with I Love Lucy. However I never heard of The Goldbergs until tonight.

To me it is not laugh out loud funny. But it is relatively entertaining.

The plot line is about a lady who thinks she can interpret the dreams of others because her daughter is studying to be a psychologist.

Gertrude Berg is the creator and acts as the main character, Molly Goldberg in this sit com.

Remember this is a sample of the humor of the 1950's in the United States.

So take a look and enjoy.

Amazon has a DVD of The Goldbergs. I do not know how good it is through or if it contains all the series episodes.    

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

RE: Cougars? What S'Up?

Used to be that cougar was a four legged cat found in the Americas. Now it has a whole different meaning. Older women prowling and being involved with younger, sometimes a lot younger men. Well as long as the men are of age and the women are cognizant what of it? There does seem to be more popular acceptance of this type of relationship.

Now there is even get togethers involved in this type of relationship. Watch the video below about a special meeting held for cougars and younger men in search of soul mates
