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Sunday, July 18, 2010

RE: Early TV in The USA

Here is an example of an early TV show in the USA. It is a classic. This particular show comes from the Sit Com: The Goldbergs.

I am familiar with I Love Lucy. However I never heard of The Goldbergs until tonight.

To me it is not laugh out loud funny. But it is relatively entertaining.

The plot line is about a lady who thinks she can interpret the dreams of others because her daughter is studying to be a psychologist.

Gertrude Berg is the creator and acts as the main character, Molly Goldberg in this sit com.

Remember this is a sample of the humor of the 1950's in the United States.

So take a look and enjoy.

Amazon has a DVD of The Goldbergs. I do not know how good it is through or if it contains all the series episodes.