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Thursday, August 05, 2010

RE: Great Site for Dr. Who Fans and more.

Attention all Doctor Who Fans! Here is a great site on blogger. Tardis News Room http://tardisnewsroom.blogspot.com/?expref=next-blog. Beautifully done. Very artistic and quite entertaining.

By the way, if you like this site will critic your site. Just put a mention here in the comment section. Give WebByte your URL and we will drop by for a look.

All comments are made without bias. No X rated sites or hate sites submits please.

Remember all a comments screened first then added if deemed appropriate.

By the way here are some electronic readers from Amazon. Notice how the prices are coming down. Would like to hear from people who already have electronic readers. What are the readers like? How are they on the eyes? Are they really better than paper books? If so why? Any other relevant comment.

1 comment:

  1. How about this site here? It's also Doctor Who, but we're more a regular blog but with more readers. We'd really appreciate your review. If you do write one, would you mind commenting on our ShoutBox to say that you reviewed us? Thanks. :)

