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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

RE: Time Lords, Jelly Babies and Scarves


The above is a link to a blogspot that the creator asked me to critique. This particualar entry is dedicated to that critique.

At first, the site Time Lords, Jelly Babies and Scarves seems slow to download.However, once started it really downloads relatively fast. Comment about download time is welcome here in the comment section.

The site is quite colorful. The background is black and the lettering is in Technicolor. There are also numerous graphics. For the number of graphics the site downloads quite fast. The graphics are on topic and give color and interest to the site. It would be nice if there was a link to where to order this material. Perhaps there is and I just missed it.

There is quite a bit of new information about Dr. Who products. The graphics illustrate the products. The site also gives in depth description about each new product also. It would be nice to have a link to where these products are sold. Perhaps they are sold on Amazon.

The new theme music for Dr. Who can be played or not. Just click on the graphic or embedded player included on the site. This is a good idea to give people a choice on whether or not to play the music. Some people get quite annoyed at the incessant playing of music on a site.

Included are several videos. I found one to be particularly entertaining, "Dr. Who Ringers." However this particular video can be a bit randy in some spots. May not be appropriate for the very young.Nothing too raunchy though.

Try out this site and let us know what you think of it. Comments about Time Lords, Jelly Babies and Scarves would be appreciated in the comment section of this blog entry. The creator of the site: Time Lords, Jelly Babies and Scarves wants input as to how to improve the site. So please go to the site then come back here and put your comments in the comment section of this entry.

Here are some site on the Net that help to understand how to critique web sites:

Important to remember:
Download time.
Is the site up to date?
Is the site dynamic? That means is there a chance for the public to interact with the site?
Is the site visually pleasing?
Is there a reason for the reader to come back?

Below are some things from Amazon that the reader may enjoy. If the reader orders any of these products please make a comment about the products that are ordered.

 This publication through Amazon covers information on how to do a critique. It covers art. Yet The Critique Handbook: The Student's Sourcebook and Survival Guide (2nd Edition) may have useful information on how to do critiques in general.
Click on graphic to the left side and go to site to order or see more information about this particular product.

The graphic to the left is a digital reader by Sony. This is included because it is a different reader from Kindle. This is a pocket edition However this is a higher price reader than the Kindle that can be ordered through this site.

Here's the Kindle. This particular one is wireless. Plus it it only $99.00. One of the most economical readers yet. If you order this particular reader through this site, please put in the Comments section of this site what you think of it.

Comments can be made in the comment section of any entry of this blog. Please list what the product is, when ordered and what the reader did or did not like about the specific product.

Also will critique any web site on this blog. Just put in the request here on the comment section. Critiques are made in order as soon as possible.

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