WebByte Introduction

Welcome to WebByte on Blogger If you would like to have a free want ad for your business please go http://www.webspeakezine.com/webspeak-ezine-ads/ or email webspeakezine at outlook.com or webspeakezine at webspeakezine.com. The rules and the form for the ad will be emailed to you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

RE: Meditation Room Added.

There's a new addition to the WebBytes. It is called the Meditation Room. Hope you readers enjoy it. Let WebByte know what you think of the new Meditation Room section. Just put a comment in the comment section.

Also anyone that wants to put up a meditation presentation they have made or video please feel free to request to do so through the comment section and you will be emailed a form to submit what you would like to publish.

Publishing original work here is a good way to get some free advertisement for your work. Art, graphics, music, short videos, games, presentations like for the Meditation Room are all welcome.. Just request a form through the comment section.

The price of Kindle readers is coming down. Want to order one? Just click on the picture to the side and it will take you to Amazon's site from here.

I cannot believe the price on this MP3. It is free! If you download it please put in the comment section what you think about it. WebByte loves to hear from the readers. The name of the MP3 is "First Step".  Click on the illustration and get a more detailed discription of what it is. No loss for a freebie. Right?

Journey Into Meditation by Lisa guyman is $2.97 but it has more than one meditation. A click on the illustration to the right will take you to the site for a more detailed discription and where there's a place to order it.

Please let WebByte know what you think of it when you order it. The comment section below is a good place to let your thoughts about this product be recorded.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

RE: Increasing Your Intelligence

WebByte just found this video, The Pangaea Foundation Presents Intelligence Increase 2.0, on You Tube Listening to it is supposed to increase intelligence commonly known as IQ. It is recommended that it played at least once a day. Feel free to play this. Please let us know your opinion in the comment sectionafter you have used it for several days.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Critique of Music Specialist Speaks And More.....

 Topic 1
Music Specialist Speaks 
Music Specialist Speaks came up when I clicked on the next button on WebByte on of my blogs on Blogger There is not much information on this blog but if you click on the ping links you can get more about how to make money in the music industry. Music Specialist Speaks apparently is a lead on to the ping links. Follow the ping links and more information is forth coming.

The blog in itself is not bad for a beginning. It could use a little more organization and polishing. The title banner is attractive and eye catching. It just takes awhile to catch onto the organization of the site.  Could this lose potential customers? Not everyone is completely literate in computer and Internet use. This is something important to thank about.

In conclusion, I know nothing about the music industry or this man Allan Johnston. A musician or singer may know him by reputation. In any case, he is interesting and the blog may be worth exploring for those in the music industry.

Topic 2
Research on Successful Blogging 

 Mrs. Belmont's Blog gives practical information in an almost conversational style. It also gives tidbits you do not ordinarily find. Just some common sense suggestions here. Very good reading that is worthwhile way to spend your time.

http://robcubbon.com/how-to-write-for-the-web really gives good advice and goes into detail. You can get a free e-book here on how to market yourself on the web too. This blog is simple and yet tastefully done. An enjoyable and informative read all-in-all. Try it out if you are writing for the web.

How to Write  the Best Blog by Mr. Botto gives just a few simple words of advice. They may prove helpful.

This particular entry appears in E-How which is actually a website contain many entries about different topics. Anyone can register to submit articles about different topics.

Http://www.netprofitmagic.com/blog/how-to-write-winning-blog-post-titles/  links to an interesting blog entry.  It contains more information than just how to write winning blog post titles. Although post titles really are important.

Topic 3 In Conclusion Just a Few Words

From time to time this blog contains  useful information of what can be found and what is going on around the Internet and web.   

This blog is open for suggestions of topics that the public would like to see discussed. Please submit topics in the comment section. Let WebByte know what your interests are. Please also feel free to submit comments to this blog.

Another service WebByte would like to do for the public is give some free publicity for the worthy.

Who's worthy? Just about anybody who submits material that WebByte approves of (Must be GP acceptable for all age groups to view, nothing R rated, please) 

Submissions may be pictures, music, stories, articles, etc.  requests for entries in this site on a particular subject. Just request in the comment section that we contact you for form to submit your particular object or article.

Some new pages have been added to this blog. Look up at the menu along the top of this blog and you find the Home link, Meditation Room Link etc. Come back as there will be more additions. Let us know what you think of these additions.

Friday, April 01, 2011

RE: Critique of Blogs

From time to time WebByte does critiques of blogs. We access the good and bad points. This is all done on a positive note.

If you would like us to critique your site or blog please say so in the comment section below. We do not critique those of adult content however since this is a GP blog. Only those that anyone can view will be critique.

Please feel free to submit your blog below.

The following is a blog URL of a blog that I just ran into on Blogger.com.: http://blogging.nitecruzr.net/?expref=next-blog. The blog's title: The Real Blogger Status is different from the URl: http://blogging.nitecurzr.net/?expre=next-blog. A better solution is to have the URL match the blog title as much as possible. This makes the blog easier for the reader to find and remember. It is also less confusing

Outside of URL and title mismatch, this is a great blog. The colors do not distract. The information looks interesting. The writing is clear, concise and to the point. .

Here's another blog: http://my.opera.com/eagleview/blog/ This particular blog is more of a personal blog. It is attractive. However some of the comments are a bit long. It is probably a good idea to limit the size of comments because some people get carried away. Doing that takes up too much space. The reader may lose interest.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

RE: A Little Meditation

Here's a widget of a fishbowl for you to meditate on. Just listen to the music.